Adapting to Figma’s UI 3.0: A UX Designer’s Transition Guide


27 Sept 2024





Adapting to Figma’s UI 3.0: A UX Designer’s Transition Guide
Adapting to Figma’s UI 3.0: A UX Designer’s Transition Guide
Adapting to Figma’s UI 3.0: A UX Designer’s Transition Guide

As a UX designer, I’ve always appreciated Figma’s intuitive and collaborative interface, a tool that’s been my go-to for crafting pixel-perfect designs for years. However, recently, Figma rolled out their UI 3.0 update, and like many seasoned designers, I felt the subtle sting of discomfort brought about by the changes. It wasn't that the new UI was poorly designed—in fact, quite the opposite—but my familiarity with the old interface made the new experience feel cumbersome at first. This blog post is a candid look at my journey of adapting to Figma’s latest UI, the challenges of overcoming familiarity bias, and tips for easing the transition.

Initial Reactions: The Shock of the New

Upon launching Figma after the update, I was immediately confronted with a sense of disorientation. Familiar buttons had shifted, the colour scheme was different, and certain tools were now housed in unexpected locations. It was like walking into your favourite coffee shop only to find that everything had been rearranged. This initial sense of unfamiliarity can be unsettling, especially when you're used to relying on muscle memory to navigate the interface.

The feeling of being lost, however, wasn’t because the changes were inherently bad. Instead, it was a case of familiarity bias—the natural preference for what’s known and comfortable. It’s a phenomenon that even us designers aren't immune to, despite knowing that changes are often made to improve usability and overall experience.

The Good: Enhancements and Improvements

Before diving into the challenges, let’s acknowledge some of the genuinely impressive aspects of Figma’s UI 3.0. Here are a few features that stood out to me:

  1. Enhanced Customisation: The ability to customise the workspace more extensively is a welcome change. Designers can now adjust panel sizes, reposition tools, and even save different workspace configurations. This adaptability makes it easier to tailor the interface to specific workflows, improving productivity in the long run.

  2. Refined Navigation Panel: The revamped navigation panel has a cleaner look, with a more logical grouping of features. This update significantly reduces clutter, making it easier to access key tools and assets once you get accustomed to the layout.

  3. Improved Component Management: Figma has enhanced the way components are managed, allowing for more seamless swapping and updating of instances across designs. This improvement is a game-changer for larger projects with complex design systems.

The Challenges: Breaking Old Habits

Despite the positive changes, the transition wasn’t smooth. Here’s where I felt the most friction:

  1. Muscle Memory Disruption: Like most designers, I rely on muscle memory to speed through my work. With the UI 3.0 update, even minor adjustments—such as tool relocations and updated shortcut commands—felt like hitting a speed bump. My fingers would instinctively reach for where tools used to be, only to realise that they had shifted.

  2. Visual Overhaul: The updated visual elements—such as icons, colours, and panel designs—look fantastic, but they initially made the interface feel foreign. I found myself taking longer to locate familiar tools, as my brain struggled to reconcile the differences between the old and new visuals.

  3. New Learning Curve: The added functionalities, while powerful, required a period of re-learning. It’s easy to feel frustrated when something that used to take a single click now feels like a puzzle to solve, even if it’s ultimately more efficient.

Adapting to the New UI: Strategies That Helped

Adjusting to the new UI wasn’t instant, but a few strategies helped ease the transition:

  1. Patience and Practice: Just like learning any new software, adapting to a major UI update takes time. Instead of rushing back to the comfort of my old habits, I dedicated time to exploring the new layout. I experimented with different configurations and made a conscious effort to use the updated features, allowing myself to build new muscle memory.

  2. Utilising Figma’s Support Resources: Figma’s support team did a great job of providing detailed documentation and tutorials on the changes. By diving into their resources, I was able to quickly learn about the rationale behind the UI overhaul and pick up tips for making the most of the new features.

  3. Customising the Workspace: One of the best parts about the UI 3.0 update is the increased customisation options. I took advantage of this by arranging the workspace in a way that mirrored my old setup as closely as possible, helping bridge the gap between familiarity and the new experience.

  4. Reaching Out to the Community: Joining design forums and communities helped me connect with other designers who were going through the same transition. Sharing experiences, tips, and even frustrations provided a sense of camaraderie and made the adjustment feel less daunting.

Final Thoughts: Embracing Change as a Designer

As a UX designer, I often advocate for change and improvements in the products I create, yet I found myself grappling with the very change that Figma’s team had implemented. It’s a humbling reminder of how powerful familiarity bias can be, even when the changes are for the better.

Now, a few weeks into using Figma’s UI 3.0, I can confidently say that the update has elevated my design process. The initial discomfort has faded, and I’m beginning to appreciate the streamlined workflows, enhanced features, and customisation options that the new UI offers.

If you’re a designer who’s also struggling to adapt to Figma’s latest update, my advice is to embrace the change with an open mind. Give yourself time to learn, experiment, and adjust. In the end, you might just find that what once felt unfamiliar has become an even more efficient tool for your creative journey.

What are your thoughts on Figma’s UI 3.0 update? How are you adapting to the changes? Share your experiences below!

Explore Figma's new UI

Explore Figma's new UI

Explore Figma's new UI

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