Checklist and plan template to get you started with usability testing
8 June 2020
User testing is one of the most essential tools in the product design process.
If you are working on a startup, redesigning and re-building things in the wrong way could cause you to run out of money before making the product to fit the market. You can create code-free prototypes using tools like Figma, InVision and Marvel. Then testing them with potential customers and participants will not only save your time, money but also result in better user experience.
It is essential to have a realistic prototype and a clear plan for what you want to evaluate. Particularly, if your product development runs short iterations (e.g. one-week sprints) and you don't have time to write a lengthy user test plan. Here is a user test plan template + checklist that I use to get started.
I define my template into 3 parts:
Pre-test activities
Test plan
Post-test activities
In the template, I outline some essential information:
Date, time and location
Session timeline
Pre-test checklist
Session scripts
Post-test debrief
Expected results
Actual behaviour
Please note that this template is suitable for moderated user testing. It's not as useful for other methods of testing, including remote and unmoderated ones.
I hope the template helps and save your time 😄